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Roof It Forward - The Role of Siding in Energy Efficiency: How the Right Choice Can Reduce Your Energy Bills

June 28, 2023

Summer is here and so is the heat. Before the sun's rays reach maximum power, you want to make sure that your home is insulated properly. Without the correct insulation system, your air conditioning system could be working overtime producing cool air, which will raise your energy bills. With your siding being one of the first lines of defense in taking on the elements, learn more about how siding plays a role in energy efficiency.

Benefits of Siding Insulation

- Decreased Energy Bills

One of the biggest positives of proper siding insulation is decreased energy bills. If your air conditioning units are producing cool air in the summer but your siding is not strong enough to protect your home from the heat outside, your air conditioning units will continue to keep running. Not only is energy more expensive in the summer, but the constant running will drive up your bill cost. By having insulated siding, you can have lower energy bills.

- Increased Home Value

Energy efficiency is highly sought after in today's market. By including insulated siding, you can reduce maintenance costs and improve your home's value.

- Noise Reduction

The added insulation from insulated siding can act as a barrier to the sounds happening outside of your home. If you live in a neighborhood where there is constant yard work noise, you can enjoy a quiet home thanks to your insulated siding.

- Comfortable Temperatures In Your Home

If your home is being heated by the sun's rays, it can warm the rest of the air in your home, making your house an uncomfortable temperature. If you are spending hundreds of dollars on an energy bill each month, you want to make sure your home is cool and enjoyable during the summer.

Types of Insulated Siding

There are multiple options available on the market for insulated siding that could work for your home.

- Fiberglass Batts: This is a popular and affordable option, but can be tricky to install so be sure you have enlisted the help of an experienced company to install it.

- Foam Board Insulation: Foam boards made of polystyrene or polyurethane would go underneath your siding.

- Spray Foam Insulation: Spray foam would also go underneath your siding but can create an airtight seal.

Signs You Need New Siding

There are several telltale signs that your home is ready for new siding. If any of these apply to your home, take the opportunity to introduce insulated siding.

- Paint and wallpaper peeling indoors due to increased humidity.

- Mold and mildew growth from increased moisture.

- Holes and cracks in your siding which could be allowing moisture in.

- Rotting and deteriorating siding from wear and tear or old age.

- Increased energy bills from lack of insulation.

Your roof ventilation system is also a crucial piece to your home's energy efficiency and keeping your house at a comfortable temperature. Learn more about what a homeowner needs to know about roof ventilation.

If you notice any problem areas with your home's siding along your roof line, there may be a roofing issue. Here at ARAC Roof It Forward, we offer a free video roof inspection so we can diagnose the problem. After the inspection, we will show you the damage, review your repair options, and provide a cost estimate. With almost 20 years of experience, our Roof It Forward team can swiftly and effectively fix your chimney or roofing problem. Schedule your free video inspection today.


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